Hygiene confusion and other musings

Limbic Region on 2004-06-17T13:45:06

Ok - so lot's of people don't have great hygiene when it comes to bio-breaks. According to "Along Came Polly" - only 1 in 6 people wash their hands after using the rest room. What I don't expect to see though is a guy with a toothbrush in his mouth at the urnial proceed to going to the sink after finishing and brush his teeth without washing. I now understand another report that said 40% of all tooth brushes have trace amounts of fecal matter. The human immune system is phenominal!

Sometimes you know things but you don't "really get it" until a lightbulb goes off. Our digestive system is a furnace - sure the energy is used for other things besides heat but your metabolic rate is really just to keep your body temperature up. I find myself incredibly hot in the evenings and since Jean will likely never acclimate to the Maryland weather, she has to deal with me turning on the fan. As I am lying in bed last night I realize that I have been shoving fuel into the furnance all night (happiness goes to the hips remember) and I really shouldn't be surprised.

I am good at organizing information. This is something that I have been taught - at least not directly. I just am able to handle large amounts of non-related information well and condense it into small palletable bite size chunks. I think this is the reason why I doing more and more "administrative" type tasks and less and less "technical" ones. Doesn't really bother me - I am doing my own stuff on my own and since languages are really fascinating for me - teaching Jean Spanish and learning two new languages should keep me mentally stimulated for the interim.

Bah - I really should be working right now (to be read as hanging out at the Monastery)